Sunday, 19 May 2013

diploma in microbiology industrial training a.k.a PrAcTiCaL..!!

"In theory, theory and practice are the same. 
In practice, they are not." - Albert Einstein

Pada suatu hari, Liyana Yusof bertanyakan "hws practical life?..wat u do actually? tell me everything"

Alang2 rasa mcm kena cerita pnjg, so I'll just write it down here.

As we're aware, student semester akhir diploma mikrobiologi wajib menjalani latihan industri minus, 3 bln..
Kat mana leh wat practical..?? Di mana2 saja yg ada kemudahan lab mikrobio/molecular..kilang Gardenia..MARDI..Agensi Nuklear (you'll be given a task/project..wat extract, experiment smua,,then present)..hospitals..institut bioteknologi and so on...kalau boleh, cari lah tmpt praktikal yg byk leh buat krja..kalau tak, nnti xtaw nk tulis apa dlm logbook n final report..

Disebabkan I've undergone my practical in hospital, so here, I'll share bout the practical experience in the hospital.  

Tanggal 2 Disember 2012, Ahad..the story begins~~

Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah
Memulakan perjalanan dgn kereta Porsche Kancil yg berusia 15thn..yg best praktikal kt Kedah..xyah risau2 about jln g lewat pun smpat smpai..hehehh..
Here's a thing..setiap hari ahad n rabu, kami ada kelas tutorial with the MLT (med lab tech) Chief..kelas ni..just refresh blk segala yg blajar n mcm mana nk apply dlm lab..
You're alone for the practical..?? don't worry, I was alone too..totally, I KNOW NO ONE THERE!!
What to do if you're alone??

  • make friends!! first2 dtg tu salam2 la..Assalammualaikum..selamat pagi..student dr mana..?? this is my first day..tolong2 ajar n refreshkan bnda yg sy xtaw..can I join you for lunch..?? and smilessssss... :D  most of friends I've met there, still my friends even close friends until now..ngee...
  • know the staffs!! Mostly staffs smua friendly but RESPECT them..tunjukkan gaya nk belajar. tunjukkan you have the knowledge in Microbiology field..first2 week tu biasala kena berleter bagai...mcm mana nk interpret biochemical tests..?? and i went... @___@   
  • know the map!! first2 dtg Hosp. Sultanah Bahiyah...parking blakang forensics..pathology nun sebatu... =,=  hospital lain, I'm not quite dkt HSBAS ni dlm paotologi ada byk lab..dan lab dlm lab dlm lab..selalu jgk tersesat~~
  • UiTM!! bawalah nama universiti anda lain mgkin x ingat nama..but they'll call "student uitm yg itu yg ini"
Main point:: Buat apa time praktikal..?? Utk yg prktikal di hospitals, jadual anda akan dibahagikan ikut sections/rotations..the sections are based on human samples such as:
  • serology/virology - test dengue, hepatitis, HIV, dan sgala yg brkaitan dgn, you'll get familiar with TORCHES, ASOT, ANA, Typhidot, Leptospira n so on...bnda apa tuh..?? don't worry, u'll learn..before that, wiki2 la dulu.. strong subject required: immunology.. yg pnting dlm seksyen ni u must understand the principle of antigen-antibody complex reaction. lab ni biasanya seminggu ja..but I got 2 weeks...rasa agak stress..!! sbb first week, nk adapt new environment..and coz I don't know what to do..!! lab serology ni agak relax sbb xbyk sgt krja...pipette this and that..masuk machine..dsebabkan virus-related..u can't really do everything..dan di sinilah..u'll realize..betapa sriyeznya ketenatan gejala sosial..on what grounds..?? HIV tests..16-years old girl, unmarried, and olredy has a baby boy..40-something teacher got HIV positive..this is the reality of our country..u got that everyday..
  • bacteriology - blood, pus, urine, sputum, HVS, stool, TB, media (each sample, 1 week). Lab ni la yg sgt panjang n memenatkan..terutama kalau hospital tu adalah hospital besar..mcm HSBAS, we received samples from Klinik Kesihatan almost all over Kedah..Hospital Sg. Petani n Hospital Kangar jugak hntar smpel smpai ke sini..fuhhhh...HSBAS saja dkat 1000 patients. dh nama pun lab strong subject, of course bacteriology n medical microbiology..
Bacteriology Lab

Bactec system

Bactec system ni nk test presence of bcteria in blood..msuk vial dlm machine..n ding..!! kalau ada bcteria, dia detect sndiri..type of pathogen..?? tu kna wat manual la...gram staining..kalau xtaw gak..u're not a microbiology student..huhu..(Staphylococcus in cluster, Streptococcus in chain) refresh blk the principle..acid-fast staining akan digunakan utk lab TB..
Basic things u MUST know are type of media..bcteria apa yg are the exmple...
  • Blood agar - detect gram +; white colonies: Staphylococcus, lysis: Streptococcus, dark colonies: Enterococcus
  • Chocolate agar - detect Haemophilus Influenzae..kalo ada..smbung wat Satellitism n drug test..X+V smua tu..
  • MacConkey agar - detect gram -; Lactose fermenter: pink colonies (E.coli, Klebsiella, Enterobacter), Non-lactose fermenter: white colonies
And other biochemical sets..Staphylococcus n Streptococcus, siapa coagulase positive..?? siapa catalase positive..?? gram negative, siapa yg motile..?? x-motile..?? bacteria mana produce H2S dlm TSI..?? hah..cari sndiri.. ;)
These are top common pathogens isolated:
  • S. aureus
  • E. coli
  • Candida albicans
  • Klebsiella pneumoniae
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • Streptococcus gp. B
  • Acinetobacter baumanii
  • Enterococcus faecium/faecalis
  • Enterobacter aerogenes/clocae
*Enterobacter (gram negative), Enterococcus (gram positive)

Sebenarnya banyaaaaak bnda nk crita..don't worry..when u do it, u will see and u will understand..dlm second month u'll already get it..baca plates, biocemical test..less than 2 seconds, ding..!! E.coli..!! Kalau kat fakulti dulu,  kita hafal biochem set itu mmg xnmpak apa sbenarnya kita belajar..mcm mana nk identify bcteria..biasala..dlm lab main2 kann..time praktikal, dh nama pun praktikal..xyah hafal, u will understand..n u will see very crystal clear..dan sgt teratur..mcm mana nk tentukan biochemical set n so on...

Kalau dulu tngok human sample..blood, urine, stool..awrghhh...time prac..mcm main msk2~~ ada sekali wat microscopic exam (FEME) stool sample..atas slide mmg xnmpak apa2...tngok bwh microscope..... :O
ramaiiiii worms sdg menari2..

Anda bercita2 untuk menjadi doktor and any other health science related staffs...??? Berikut adalah pengajaran yg saya dapati stelah meng'observe' the real life of a hospital:
  • Seriously doktor dh sgt ramaiii...mosttttly adalah housemen (HO)..beratus in this hospital yg dh grad...yg med student yg belum grad lg dh beribu...begitu juga dgn nurse n pharmacist...these courses are no longer critical courses in this country. FACT. Tp kalau anda betul2 ikhlas hati nk menceburi n nk berkhidmat demi shaa Allah...Dia akan buka ruang dan pintu rezeki... :)
  • Some young doctors..I have to say..rude...lalu lintas org mmg xtngok or tegur dh..kesian pakcik2 yg dok senyum meleret tnda respect..and..mmg mrupakan protokol..if u want to retrieve HIV test result, u must come to pathology urself ataupun hntar despatch to retrieve it for you..end up..MLT pulak yg kena marah2 knapa xleh gtaw melalui fon..nasib baik la MLT lab ni sabor orangnya..kalo den la haii..then bising2 xdpt result TB..sedangkan smple TB kena hntar BUKANNYA 3 kali berturut2..pathology has its own standard operating do they get their medical liscence.. Respect others as you want to be respected.. even the MLTs coz they have much more experience in medical field than you are. 
  • Doctors can threat a patient if there is a misdiagnose. Pathologist can threat a patient because we could lead to the misdiagnose..ngehehh..howw..?? yup, kalau salah label plate pun u could be in danger..why..?? with the wrong-labelled plate, we'd interpret the result wrongly and treat the healthy patient while we release the sick patient untreated. BEWARE
Cara nak lulus industrial training:
  • bwk nama universiti elok2..tnjuk pnampilan yg punctual..!! respect the staffs..
  • logbook..!! nk tulis apa..?? tulis jek everything you do in each day..kalau xtaw nk tulis apa..buat weekly..tulis la test apa..principle dia..mcm mana baca result..
  • wat presentation kt pilah
  • submit final report.... (mcm logbook jek..cuma dlm bntuk folio)
In a summary..first2 mmg rasa..useless nya daku..byk bnda the end..u'll realize u've learnt a lot..minggu2 terakhir..waa..terasa dipercayai bila staff tinggal jek smple suruh wat streaking n biochem tests..rasa cm kerja situ pulak..hehh...
habis2 praktikal..yess..!! lepas ni boleh bngun lambat..!! xyah iron baju..!! ;D

Monday, 13 May 2013

the journey

When choosing the path to follow, I selected the road heading west.
It began in Forest of Childhood, and ceased at the City of Success.

My bag was packed full of knowledge, but also some fears and some weights.
My most precious cargo was a vision of entering the city's bright gates.

I reached an impassable river, and feared that my dream had been lost.
But a found a sharp rock, cut down a tree, and created a bridge, which I crossed.

It started to rain, and I was so cold, I shivered and started to doubt.
But I made an umbrella out of some leaves and kept all the cold water out.

The journey took longer than I had planned; I had no food left in my dish.
Rather than starve before reaching my dream, I taught myself how to fish.

I grew awfully tired as I walked on and on, and I thought of the weights in my pack.
I tossed them aside, and I sped up again. Fear was all that was holding me back.

I could see the City of Success, just beyond small grove of trees.
At last, I thought, I have reached my goal! The whole world will envy me!

I arrived at the city, but the gate was locked. The man at the door frowned and hissed,
"You have wasted your time. I can't let you in. Your name is not on my list."

I cried and I screamed and I kicked and I shook; I felt that my life had just ceased.
For the first time ever, I turned my head, and for once in my life faced the east.

I saw all the things I had done on my way, all the obstacles I'd overcome.
I couldn't enter the city , but that didn't mean I hadn't won.

I had taught myself how to ford rivers, and how to stay dry in the rain.
I had learnt how to keep my heart open, even if sometimes it lets in some pain.

I learned, facing backwards, that life meant more than just survival.
My success was in my journey, not in my arrival

-Nancy Hammel

season finale's result~~

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, 
but I think I have ended where I intended to be." - Douglas Adams

Setelah 3 thn bergelumang dgn dunia bakteria...akhirnyaaaa.......

Walaupun smua bnda buat last minute, study week main game, byk tidoqq....Allah Maha Penyayang..Dia bg jugak ak pinjam nikmat ini...TETAPI ujian kesenangan adalah lg hebat dari ujian kesusahan..

Tiba2 teringat balik kisah zmn sekolah menengah..time org tgh sibuk utk Trial MARA SPM..time tu lah daku  disahkan infected by H1N1...
I was studying in Langkawi, an island, lotsssss of international yup..tmpat mcm ni lah berisiko besar sekiranya berlaku pandemic. 
Perasaan time tu....dgn harsh symptoms   (thought I was dying) at the same time, umi abah kt mekah..kak long n kak ngah still kt KL..practically I had no one..dh laa time tu nk raya...sobbsss...
Timbul perasaan sangatttt jeless kwn2 lain smua dok study while I end up on the bed...
Plg legend ...akibat skt kepala yg teramat sgt..time paper lain memerah otak kira formula smua bagai..ak hanya tutup kertas soalan, dan hitamkan just any letter on the objective paper..that's the very most thing I able to do..letak pensel, pap,,tidoq..!!
Anddd...result for Trial MARA is...............

failed with flying colours

Ofcourse...selamat tinggal SPC and so on..Since then...I almost give up even in SPM..but hey, you'll never know until you try...Alhamdulillah..I've made it...
Sekarang..fikir blk...Dia x bg nikmat ini suatu masa dahulu..tetapi Dia tangguhkan sebentar..untuk diberi pd masa sekarang...

"Verily, along with every hardhship is relief" - Ash-Sharh: 5

Dh hbs diploma ni...fikir blk...KALAULAH ak msuk matrix dulu..dh 2nd year degree dh ak skrg...dulu dh pass exam intrview tesl KPM free2..KALAULAH ak smbung jek TESL dulu...NO!! 
This is the path I've chosen..if not, I might not met my friends here,,I might not realize how awesome the life of molecular biology is..(dan betapa dashatnya it could be) 
Some people might say diploma je kowtt.. RUGI 3 thn..and so on..and so on..for me and those who the name of knowledge, we lost NOTHING..and we proud of that..and hey...

In a nutshell, dgn izin Allah, we've finished our diploma..and at every end, comes a new much more things to go through~~

two little birds in the garden

"Tidakkah mereka memperhatikan burung-burung yang dimudahkan terbang melayang-layang di angkasa? Tiada yang menahan mereka (dari jatuh) melainkan Allah sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu, ada tanda-tanda (yang membuktikan kekuasaan Allah) bagi kaum yang beriman." - An-Nahl : 79

Al kisah, ada sarang burung kat pokok yg sgt rendah kt dpn rumah..sgt awesome..!! untuk melihat indahnya sebuah kasih sayang..parents anak2 burung tu keep guarding less than 5 metres away..rilex,, I won't eat your babies alive..haha..and just inside 2 weeks, the little birds grew up n prepared for take off...just in 2 weeks...hebatnya ciptaanNya....

seekor lg dh berjaya menerbangkan diri~~

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Of 2 Fictional Characters

"If I could, I would. But I can't, so I shan't." - Sheldon Cooper

"In life, unlike chess, the game continues after checkmate." - Spencer Reid

Just wondering......what if these two meet..rumbling of geniuses..haha..

Good moral is, they both study and keep searching cause of curiousity and keep applying it through daily life... (over-applying maybe)

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Of the Writing Area

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." - Leonardo da Vinci

Looking on my own, I have a blog...and it's boring.... =,=
Yup, just going to make it that way..creativity and I don't really have a chemistry..haha
Why I'm writing a blog anyway..??
Other than journalism is part of my ambition, this is the place where I can write berjela2 of what I think and what I feel and what I'd like to share and for me to remember (not about too-personal life). 
*I don't even know what "follow" blog really means...hehh..
Pengajaran: our each word could be
our last..and each of our words are counted for this life's exam to pass the be careful with it.