Monday, 13 May 2013

season finale's result~~

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, 
but I think I have ended where I intended to be." - Douglas Adams

Setelah 3 thn bergelumang dgn dunia bakteria...akhirnyaaaa.......

Walaupun smua bnda buat last minute, study week main game, byk tidoqq....Allah Maha Penyayang..Dia bg jugak ak pinjam nikmat ini...TETAPI ujian kesenangan adalah lg hebat dari ujian kesusahan..

Tiba2 teringat balik kisah zmn sekolah menengah..time org tgh sibuk utk Trial MARA SPM..time tu lah daku  disahkan infected by H1N1...
I was studying in Langkawi, an island, lotsssss of international yup..tmpat mcm ni lah berisiko besar sekiranya berlaku pandemic. 
Perasaan time tu....dgn harsh symptoms   (thought I was dying) at the same time, umi abah kt mekah..kak long n kak ngah still kt KL..practically I had no one..dh laa time tu nk raya...sobbsss...
Timbul perasaan sangatttt jeless kwn2 lain smua dok study while I end up on the bed...
Plg legend ...akibat skt kepala yg teramat sgt..time paper lain memerah otak kira formula smua bagai..ak hanya tutup kertas soalan, dan hitamkan just any letter on the objective paper..that's the very most thing I able to do..letak pensel, pap,,tidoq..!!
Anddd...result for Trial MARA is...............

failed with flying colours

Ofcourse...selamat tinggal SPC and so on..Since then...I almost give up even in SPM..but hey, you'll never know until you try...Alhamdulillah..I've made it...
Sekarang..fikir blk...Dia x bg nikmat ini suatu masa dahulu..tetapi Dia tangguhkan sebentar..untuk diberi pd masa sekarang...

"Verily, along with every hardhship is relief" - Ash-Sharh: 5

Dh hbs diploma ni...fikir blk...KALAULAH ak msuk matrix dulu..dh 2nd year degree dh ak skrg...dulu dh pass exam intrview tesl KPM free2..KALAULAH ak smbung jek TESL dulu...NO!! 
This is the path I've chosen..if not, I might not met my friends here,,I might not realize how awesome the life of molecular biology is..(dan betapa dashatnya it could be) 
Some people might say diploma je kowtt.. RUGI 3 thn..and so on..and so on..for me and those who the name of knowledge, we lost NOTHING..and we proud of that..and hey...

In a nutshell, dgn izin Allah, we've finished our diploma..and at every end, comes a new much more things to go through~~

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